Eagles Fight Cancer to Display Cancer Warrior Names on Dasherboard
Jan 9, 2020
The Eagles and UCHealth will be honoring cancer warriors on Saturday, January 25th during the annual Eagles Fights Cancer game. This year, UCHealth will be changing their dasherboard advertisement to display the names of nominated cancer warriors.

Thank you for your interest in providing the name of a cancer warrior for inclusion on the UCHealth dashers for the Eagles game on Saturday, January 25th, 2020. The nominee does not have to be a UCHealth patient, however we ask that you secure/provide consent that this nominee is comfortable with his/her name being shared:
- If you are self-nominating, please click on the PDF below, print and fill out the form, and email it back to info@ColoradoEagles.com.
- If you are nominating another cancer warrior, please forward the PDF for the release to that individual to print and fill out the form, and email it back to info@ColoradoEagles.com.
- If you are nominating a deceased cancer warrior, please have an immediate family member who was involved in the care of the deceased fill out the PDF for the release and email it back to info@ColoradoEagles.com.
Space is limited, and will be on a first come first serve basis. All waivers must be completed for names to appear. The Eagles and UCHealth will place names on the board as they are submitted and will not be responsible for misspelled or incorrect names.